Friday, January 25, 2008

The Fall of the Party

From my parents' home in Hudson, Ohio, I send you my final posting. I spent 40+ hours traveling from Harbin to Hudson, first by train to Beijing, then airplanes to San Fransisco, Chicago, and finally Cleveland, and finally by car to home. I reeked of sweat and solitude. I was impatient with American civility (thought: "Why don't people just hurry up and get off the plane already?!"). I gawked at the abundance of facial hair (I'd guess 1 in every 4 men) and fat. I eavesdropped on thick Midwestern accents. I grinned at chaches (for those of you over the age of 25, read: jocks) trying too hard to look cool. I shuddered at the empty, sprawling suburban streets. I was home.

As promised, here are links to my final two albums of my family's trip to China. These are from our time in that southwestern city of 12 million, Chengdu.

Part I:

Part II:

And now, I sign off. This blog has fulfilled its purpose as a telegraph back home to our friends and our families, keeping them updated on how Lisa and I were doing in China. As for the future, no one knows what's in store for either of us. If you wish to keep in contact with us, please email us instead and we'll be sure to reply happily, speedily, and thoroughly.

Farewell, and godspeed, from the Party People's Republic of China.

1 comment:

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